Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico (RSE) S.p.A.
Department of Power Generation Technologies and Materials
Via Raffaele Rubattino, 54
20154 Milan, Italy
giuseppe.silano (at) rse-web.it
giuseppe.silano (at) fel.cvut.cz
Phone: | +39 329 954 8196 |
Tenure researcher with a strong interest in software and control of robots and embedded systems. Currently working on motion planning and control solutions for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). What excites me most about this field are the challenging and multidisciplinary problems that require me to use my background in Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and Control Systems to develop integrated solutions. Here you can find out more about me, my research activities, publications, and open-source projects. If you are interested in knowing more, drop me a line.
Robotics Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Formal Methods
Software-in-the-loop Simulation & Control Manipulators
Model Predictive Control Human-Robot Collaboration
Communication-Aware Robotics Task and Motion Planning
Tutorial session on "Redefining UAV Wireless Networks: The Role of Fully-Actuated Multi-Rotor Systems in Robotics and Communication"
accepted to be held at the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
Giving a talk titled "Are Robotic Simulators
a Solved Problem? Criteria for Selection and Customization" on Wednesday, September 11th, at the
Aerial Robotics Meetings.
Journal paper
2025, Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS),
A Signal Temporal Logic Approach for Task-Based Coordination of Multi-Aerial Systems:
a Wind Turbine Inspection Case Study.
Journal paper
2024, IEEE Commmunications Magazine,
Reshaping UAV-Enabled Communications with Omnidirectional Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles.
Google Scholar
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