15-17 July 2024, News
Held a PhD course titled "Fundamentals for Robot Programming with ROS" from July 15-17, 2024, at the University of Sannio in Benevento, Italy. The course was part of the Dipartimento di Eccellenza program and aimed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the Robot Operating System (ROS) and its essential tools commonly used in robotics applications, specifically Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles.

21 February 2024, News
Appointed as Early Career Editorial Board Member in Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics (BIRob).

21 December 2023, News
Organazing an invited session proposal on "Aerial Robotics in Inspection and Maintenance Operations - From Design to Deployment" at the 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Chania, Crete, Greece.

29 July 2023, News
Organazing a special issue on advanced control and path planning techniques for UAVs on MPDI Machines

1 April 2023, Paper
2 conference papers have been accepted for publication at the 2023 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS). More info is available on Publications.

21 December 2022, Workshops
Workshop session on "The Role of Robotics Simulators for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" accepted to be held at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Here is the link to the video recording.

17 November 2022, News
Visiting researcher at the University of Twente for two weeks (November 17 - November 30) together with the RAM group and Prof. Dr. Antonio Franchi.

8 August 2022, News
I've been appointed as member of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Technical Committee on Multi-Robot Systems.

11 July 2022, News
I started a new tenured research position at the Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico (RSE) S.p.A.. This makes me sad because I had to leave the Multi-robot System (MRS) Group where I spent the last two years, but on the other hand I am excited about the new adventure that I have just started.

6 May 2022, Paper
3 conference papers have been accepted for publication at the 2022 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS). More info is available on Publications.

18 April 2021, Paper
2 conference papers have been accepted for publication at the 2021 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS). More info is available on Publications.

10 November 2020, News
Today, I defended my thesis and got my PhD in Information Engineering. Thank you all for your support over the years. Here is the link to my PhD Thesis.

10 September 2020, News
At the 2020 edition of Automatica.it (the Italian Workshop on Automatic Control) I presented my idea of a framework for a multi-robot system for power line inspection tasks starting from Signal Temporal Logic specifications. Here is the link to my talk.

16 July 2020, News
The UniSannio team is the winner of the MathWorks Minidrone Competition at IFAC 2020. On 16th July 2020 Mario Terlizzi, Muhammad Aatif, Amin Basiri, and Luigi Russo (virtually) competed with the other finalist teams, by proposing their own controller for the Parrot Mambo drone that has to fulfill a lane following task using its on-board camera. Congratulations, to whole UniSannio team!! :-) I am glad to have helped the team achieve this important result.

15 June 2020, News
From June 2020, I am a Postdoctoral research fellow at the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague working with Martin Saska and his team. More information about the research activities, projects and publications are available on the group website.

31 January 2020, Software
MAT-Fly: an easy to use virtual reality environment based on the MathWorks Virtual Reality (VR) toolbox aimed to simulate flying platforms together with detection and tracking algorithms (code, pdf, poster, video).

1 December 2019, News
From March to November 2019, I was a visiting PhD student at LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse working with Antonio Franchi and his team. During my period abroad, I was among the participants of the Mohammed Bin Zayed robotics Competition 2020. The LAAS Team has been selected as a finalist of the competition.

6 November 2019, Software
BebopS: a ROS package aimed to simulate the behavior of Parrot Bebop 2 by using SIL methodologies (code, pdf, poster, video).

29 June 2019, Software
CrazyS: a software-in-the-loop simulation platform for the Crazyflie 2.0 nano-quadcopter (pdf, code, video).

17 May 2018, News
As member of the UniSannio team, I was selected as finalist of the Aerial robotics control and perception challenge at the 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2018. During the week 18th–23rd June 2018 Pasquale Oppido and I will compete with the other finalist team, by proposing own controller for the Bebop drone that has to fulfill wind farm inspection tasks.

16 April 2016, News
During the "Make & Share" event organized by the Tech Coffee association, held in Palazzo Paolo V in Benevento, Italy, I will take a talk on "Advaced Drone Applications: oppunities and issues".

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