This collection is taken from the following youtube channels:
Do not forget to watch also the videos attached to the publications.
PACNav: Collective Navigation of UAV Swarms without Communication and External Localization |
[EXP] A STL Motion Planner for Bird Diverter Installation Tasks with Multi-Robot Aerial Systems |
[GAZEBO] A STL Motion Planner for Bird Diverter Installation Tasks with Multi-Robot Aerial Systems |
[GAZEBO] A STL Approach for Task-Based Coordination of Multi-Aerial Systems |
[EXPERIMENTS] A STL Approach for Task-Based Coordination of Multi-Aerial Systems |
A Signal Temporal Logic Planner for Ergonomic Human-Robot Collaboration |
LinkedIn  ·  GitHub  ·  Gist  ·  Google Scholar  ·  Researchgate  ·  YouTube  ·  ORCID  ·  Scopus  ·  WebOfScience
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